Azoospermia success stories?!

Grace • TTC #1 for 2 years - Husband has non obstructive azoospermia due to late maturation arrest. IVF #1 - Successful mTESE but BFN and none frozen😔 IVF #2 May 2019🤞🏼

Hey y’all! So my husband has had two semen analysis’ that both came back with no sperm to be found (azoospermia)...we go back in 2 weeks to do a special analysis where they centrifuge the sample and look under a very powerful microscope to see if there are any sperm to be found...we’re hoping they’ll find some that way so I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing?? Our fertility specialist said <a href="">IVF</a> is going to be our only option so we’re looking for any success stories you all have to share! We are extremely blessed that my insurance fully covers <a href="">IVF</a>, so we are prepared to exhaust all options in hope of starting our own little family. Any feedback is welcome!