Guilty Father Syndrome

Bonnie • Mommy of 2 handsome boys. Married to the love of my life with baby #3 on his or her way! Jesus’ girl ❤️

I just need to vent.. My husband and I have a blended family, I have 2 sons ages 11 and 6 from a previous relationship and he has a daughter age 5 from a previous relationship, we recently found out we are expecting and we couldn’t be happier. Well his daughter comes over once a week if her mom allows her to. (She’s one of those), recently by recently I mean for the past year or so my stepdaughter has been very fresh and disrespectful. She has called me “ a hoochie mama twat” a “bi&ch;, has told myself and other adults to shut up. She has slapped me and just yesterday she pegged my husband off. My husband does not discipline her at all. He will try to redirect her with a calm gentle voice which ultimately just gets her off the hot seat and nothing is done. The thing that frustrates me is earlier today my son my 6 year old was trying to fly his drone in the house which is against the rules and he yells at my son in a very stern manner. This gets me defensive and I told him he is not allowed to correct my children if he can not correct his daughters out of control behavior. I don’t think I am in the wrong. I spoke to him about it and he says things will change and he will be more stern with her but we have had this conversation many times and as you can see nothing changes. It’s to the point where I do not even want to be around his daughter, I find myself thinking to myself how much of a brat she is. Then I feel guilty for thinking that of a little girl. 😏.. and furthermore I am planning a trip to Disney with my sons and husband and he wants his daughter to come, but I don’t want to bring her. I feel like all she does is disrespect me and I don’t want to deal with that on our trip and she’s been already with her mother where my children have never been and she teases them about it. It’s just a messed up situation. I just want my husband to correct his daughter when she disrespects me and him for that matter but he says he barely sees her and don’t want to make her sad. Help please. Lmk if I’m wrong I’ll respect the honesty from an outsider!! Ty