2 day old hungry every 1-2 hours??

I had my second baby girl on Friday, April 20th. Due to me being GBS positive and her coming within just 20 mins of being at the hospital, we had to stay there for 2 days. Well, we got to come home around 11:30 this morning and while at the hospital she would either eat 40ml and be hungry in about 2 hours or she'd eat the entire bottle and be hungry in 2 and a half - 3 hours.

So well she ate 30ml at 5:30pm, was hungry again by almost 6:30 so I gave her the last 30ml of that bottle. Then not even 10 after 7 she was hungry AGAIN! So I fed her then and she ate about 40ml. Now she'll sleep for 10 mins or so and then will wake up and act as if shes hungry. Should I just continue feeding her when she seems to be hungry or should I make her wait a little longer?