Clomid :(


This was my first round of Clomid and I am now 15 day into my cycle and have been testing for ovulation and still no positive ... 😭😭😭 yes I see the line getting darker but it’s not getting dark enough :/

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Clomid lengthened my cycle by 5 days so I ovulated on day 19 instead of 14. I got pregnant on my second month of Clomid and the date that I got my positive OPK lined up perfectly with my dates by my ultrasound which dated my pregnancy 5 days later than my LMP.


Anna • Apr 23, 2018
Omg !! That makes me feel so much better 😭❤️ I’m trying not to give up or think about it .. but when you want something so bad it’s so hard to not think of it