18 month old becomes physical and high anxiety when interacting with others


In the past 2 weeks, my 18 month old has become physical with me when people try to interact with us or even approach us sometimes. He first buries his head into my legs or chest if I’m holding him and then the longer the person talks to me (familiar friend, neighbor, teacher) he starts to become more tense and states to eventually pinch/bite/scratch me the longer the interaction is. It’s even worse in groups, he can’t handle being in a room full of people interacting (talking toddlers play class).

I’m worried... should I be? There was a break from the class around Easter and I thought it might just be he has to get used to the class again after the break, but it was worse today. He was screaming and became physical whenever someone approached or tried to interact. This past weekend it was also when anyone talked to me which was really tough.

Who should we talk to, his doctor first? He isn’t exhibiting any other signs of autism. I’m a speech therapist and I work with many children with autism so I know what to look for. He answers to his name, parallel play, interacts with us wonderfully (games, pretend, books), eye contact. He has interacts with others once he is around them for a couple days.

What else would you suggest? We will start bringing familiar objects from home with us maybe to comfort him, I’ll start arriving early to places so he warms up to the environment.

Anyone else experience this? Is it mainly separation anxiety or what else could it be?

Thanks so much!