Domestic Violence - Help


My friend is in an emotionally, psychologically, and physically violent and manipulating relationship with her girlfriend, and I don’t know what to do. If you have ANY advice I would appreciate to hear it, regardless if you may think your advice won’t help.

Here are some facts:

-my friend is a closeted lesbian, meaning that calling the police is not an option as she is still at school and living with family

-they have been on and off for 2 years, and every time they break up the violence has escalated. It used to be just emotional and psychological manipulation but recently it has turned physical. I believe it will get worse.

-when they break up, my friend gets the psychological and emotional manipulation such as “it’s all your fault”, “next time I will kill you”, but when she is out of the relationship she realises what a psychopath her girlfriend was.

-her girlfriend IS a psychopath.

-they get together again through manipulation such as “my family is giving me a really hard time” and “please help me with my school work” and it always escalates into a relationship.

-when my friend is in a relationship it seems as though she forgets everything that ever happened.

-I feel like if I try to convince her out of a relationship she will block me out and then there will be REAL problems.

-I sincerely believe that the girlfriend has the capacity to kill my friend.

Please help. Any advice is so much appreciated. Thank you.