Babygirl born at 33 weeks and 5 days!!


Let me start by saying that I had a high risk pregnancy because I have stage 3 chronic kidney disease and Crohn’s disease but my pregnancy was running really smooth up until about 32 weeks. Around 31 -32 weeks I noticed my blood pressure was higher than usual but my OB said it wasn’t too concerning. On April 3rd I was admitted to the hospital because my blood pressure was 145/105, baby girl failed the NST, ain’t the placenta had a kink in it on the ultrasound. I got BP meds, the steroids to strengthen her lungs and was sent home the next day. I went back for a follow up on April 6 and absolutely nothing changed so I was admitted again. This time I was in continuous monitoring and my OB decided to keep me until we deliver on April 13th. It sucked but whatever is best right. I finally got off the monitor I believe on the 8th. On April 10th I got another ultrasound and the placenta looked even worse. This time the placenta looked worse so I was put back in the monitor and that didn’t look good either. On April 11th they decided to do a c-section and I was sooooo scared. The worst part was getting the spinal anesthesia. I cried like a baby and after that I couldn’t stop shaking until they put me back in my room. But it was a success and my Babygirl was born on April 11th at 1:31 pm weighing 3 lbs 11 oz and 17 inches long. She is in the NICU as of now but she is doing amazing. The only thing we had to work on was her feeding and she should be home in less than 2 weeks. I can’t wait!!! We now weigh 4 lbs 4 oz and have our IVs taken out.