17mo Sleep Problems. Can a Stroll at Night Help?


So the last week now after leap 10 my son has been practically refusing sleep. Our days are busy so I don't get to eat or relax till he is asleep, usually by 7. Now it takes several tries. He just wants to be cuddled and clings like a baby chimp. He screams like a banshee each time I put him down buta he is so dramatic and over the top that I am positive he is testing/playing with me. So. Any tips from experience with sleep regression around this age? Secondly. I often see parents strolling their kids around after 7pm when I am out and dad is home. I always wonder, "how can they be out so late with their kid? That must ruin their sleep routine?" Right? Or is this common practice at this age because it works? So b) does strolling around a sleep refusing toddler help get them to bed? I have lots to get done before bed myself, but if a walk helps I can put off my run and twke him jogging with me. Anyway. Tires mom here jyst a ranting.