My sister is 30 weeks pregnant. She thinks she knows everything!! My fiancee and I are looking for a house to rent and the house we found , we are in love and we could stretch our money to afford it. The first thing she says is "you guys can't afford it" "He doesn't make that much!" first off she doesn't really know how much he makes! Second off how does she know we can't afford it! She always wants to pick a fight with someone. A little back story - she is living with me and my mom since she has no where else to go! Back to present- all the sudden she thinks she's queen of the fucking house and throws my cats in the basement because the cat box smells. I have 8 cats/kittens and it's hard for me to clean it out every day so I try to do it every other day. How are you going to kick my cats downstairs when your name isn't even on the lease and you technically have no say in what you do with MY cats! It pisses me off. Oh and it irritates me how she's pregnant and she decided it was okay for her to have at least 4 beers a day plus smokes pot and cigarettes. She smokes inside which stinks and ugh. I just need someone to talk to. It's becoming so out of hand that my mother even talks shit about her.