Do I seem petty over this?

Long story short-

I had my daughter on my birthday in December and my sister in law had her son in January, they’re only 26 days apart.

I’m a working from home mama and she works nights and leaves her son with my in laws from Thursday to Sunday every week (doesn’t see him in between work until Sunday afternoon)

Well since she stared doing this, he was a month old, my in laws seem to favor him over our daughter. They’re the only two grandkids.. Hubs and I both notice. I don’t doubt they love our girl by any means, but there’s a few things I’ve noticed..

-Since they always have my nephew they have NEVER made an effort to go out of their way to see our girl, we ALWAYS take her to them.. They go all over town with him, so traveling with a baby isn’t the issue..

-I literally can’t say ANYTHING about my girl, even if they ask about her, without it becoming a competition between the babies to them.

For example if they ask how my girl is doing and I say “great! She’s beginning to do this or that” they immediately “oh well he weighs this much, how much does she weigh” because he’s the same size as her and younger than her. Or they say “oh what size diapers is she in now? Oh still size 1, well he’s now in 2” like it’s a competition, THEYRE FREAKING BABIES! I can’t understand why they do this..

-The other thing that bugs me is they’re constantly doing for him, buying him all kinds of toys, clothes.. etc and never do anything for my girl, granted we’re blessed we don’t need their help financially but I don’t understand why they spoil one and literally do nothing for the other.. I’m fearful this will continue and when my daughters older she will take notice and it breaks my heart. I never want her to feel less than by her own grandparents..

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