Nap for baby? life with baby.. please comment!


Mamas, please provide some insight to a new mom regarding naps! For most part, 5 week baby sleeps well during the night - only waking for feedings 2-3 times. She cries a lot for 2-3 hours in evening, sleeping about 10-15mins between crying (probably colic...) I try to follow a nap and sleep schedule: Sleep as long as she wants (1-2hrs generally once the morning hits; 2-4 at night) and try not to keep her awake more than 1-2 hours. That doesn't always happen... she yawns and is tired, she fusses as she goes to sleep.. goes out for 5-10 mins then she's just wide eyed again. Thank God for the swing; I hope it never loses it appeal but I hate to rely on it all the time (I save it mainly for her witching hour cries, lol) Did you track your baby's sleep and naps? She's not easy to get down for naps - we nurse, try lullabies and rocking chair - sometimes it works, sometimes not. I feel like my whole day is either nursing or trying to get her to sleep... Any insight? Thank you!