Toddler Sleep Separation Anxiety


Hey guys! Has anyone had a toddler, not in a crib, have separation anxiety at night. My nearly three year old son is having anxiety I believe at night and wakes my husband and I up at least two or three times every night for three weeks! He cries and says he is scared, begs us not to leave and demands the door be open. We started leaving the door open and he still screams and runs to us every time.

We are both exhausted and return him multiple times to his bed. Sometimes he settles down quick and others it’s a long stretch of crying and trying to get him to sleep.

A month ago we went to Disney and he slept in our same room but mostly in his own toddler bed we brought. I know that’s probably part of it and the other part is finishing up potty training but I really think he is afraid we will leave him in the middle of the night.

Please tell me someone else had this problem and has some thoughts on the matter. He does have a stuffed animal that plays music he loves since birth and we have small light on. Not sure how else to comfort him 😩😴

^me every day after our battles