Episiotomy VS naturally tearing


Wasnt sure which group to post this under.

My OB office has you sign a paper weeks prior to delivery saying if they deem an episiotomy necessary you agree to one. With my son (1st child) just as they were about to give me one I naturally tore. I had a GREAT post partum recovery, hardly any pain at all despite having stitches and what not.

Just wondering if anyone has experienced both and found recovery easier for one or the other?

Update/edit: I just wanted to include that I do plan on talking to them about letting my body do what it's going to do and putting off consenting to an episiotomy. If me and my doctor feel an episiotomy is medically necessary at that moment in delivery that's one thing, but I do agree with not just doing one just because. And in my prior delivery we did discuss it before they just decided to try an episiotomy (baby was in an odd position so we felt it would help) but my body beat the doctor to it.