So frustrated


My husband I have been married for 10 years and we don’t have any children yet. We had two very early losses at the beginning of our marriage which was hard but we were so young it maybe happened the way it was supposed to.

After getting our lives and health in order we’ve started our journey with a fertility clinic. We’re still in the testing phase and I’m waiting on my period so that I can schedule an HSG to check the health of my tubes and uterus.

My period has been on time for months now (every 27 days) but is obviously trying to sabotage me and drive me crazy this month! It’s now CD 29, 15 DPO and my period is two days late. I’ve tested to see if I’m pregnant every day for 5 days. Biiiiiig fat negatives each time.

I’d love it if we could make a baby through love instead of by going through a doctor (which is fine but not ideal)... but if we didn’t make a baby this month I would appreciate it if my uterus would cooperate and allow me to get tested already! What a traitor! 😩🤬