Teaching life skills


I made a post earlier on about food technology in here before that made no sense when I read it back so I deleted. So here goes. When I was at school we learned the usual, maths, english, science, computers. While that is great and that, I feel as though teaching basic life skills should be incorporated somehow. Like budgets, living within your means and the importance of supporting yourself financially. This is not a dig at people on social it is a genuine question, as people get older and learn to drive they may get a car on finance and keep up with their first few bills but then lose their job for example and teaching ways of helping in this situation. Life skills about how to budget for eg, you earn x amount and your bills are a b and c amount how much do you have to spend if you got paid monthly. I just think this would have been helpful at school. My original post was about my school only teaching us how to bake rather than cook a wholesome meal. Thoughts?