Weaning questions

C 🖤

Hi everyone

My 6 month old is just starting to try foods and is absolutely loving it. I talked to my paediatrician about it last week to clear some things up, but there are a few other things that I’ve been wondering about now that we’ve started.

Firstly- what foods do your babies like? We’re doing baby led weaning as best as we can, but a lot of the foods we eat just aren’t suitable for him right now. We’re trying to alter our diet slightly to accommodate us all but in the meantime, what are some good options for him? He loves carrot mash, banana, porridge, etc, but we haven’t really tried on anything more solid than those yet and aren’t sure where to go next.

Secondly- our paediatrician advised us that we should be aiming for 3 ‘meals’ a day, plus roughly 20oz of milk (for the nutrition) plus little sips of water throughout the day. How much food should I be giving him at each feed? I don’t want to rush him into eating so we’ve been doing a little bit of whatever food followed by however much milk he wants. I’m weary of over-feeding him but don’t want him going home get either!

Lastly- he’s sleeping a lot more than he used to- normal or no? He used to nap say 3 times a day for about 20-30 minutes each time, and now he’ll happily sleep for 45 minutes 3-4 times a day. Not a huge difference but enough to notice. He also sleeps through the night, from about 8:30/9pm until 7/8am

Sorry for all of the questions!