Sexist Professor


I really just need to rant. I’m a Sociology Criminology major at my uni and I have a sociological theory class (and yes it’s as awful as it sounds). The prof is just as terrible. He’s the head of the soc department and has had tenure for like ever. He’s like 100 years old 🙄 anyway, we were talking about feminist theories and he said that according to that theory “men are aggressive by nature, and cannot be held responsible for their actions. Even if they rape a woman.” My jaw DROPPED and I looked at everyone else in my class and the girls were like

And he continued to say “if women don’t want to be raped, they should be a lesbian” and instantly the class was like

And he was like “this isn’t my personal opinion, it’s straight from your book” and I never read for class (I know I know) so I went home an read the entire feminist chapter and NOTHING he said as in it. Just about men being aggressive by nature but it also said that socialization plays a bigger part in male aggression. I emailed the professor to tell express my feelings and he deadass told me “don’t like my opinion? Drop my class” KNOWING DAMN WELL HIS CLASS IS A MAJOR REQ FOR GRADUATION. I’m just so angry. I emailed the uni president after our conversation and included his email, I haven’t heard back.