Fuckkk everyone ❗️😟


I have noticed lately my “ friends “ make minimal effort to see me and do things with me and I know for a fact it is because I am pregnant 🤰🏽 it’s hurtful and upsetting that people I thought were great friends distant from me because I’m pregnant I literally was talking to my boyfriend about it today and got so emotional I feel like they just look at me as someone that will hold them back from fun because I cant walk around all day , drink , smoke it’s just dumb like summer is around the corner and I’m gonna have my daughter by the end of next month ( hopefully if she’s on time !! ) and I just know that when I have her everyone is gonna be up my ass trying to see her and act like they have been around the whole time like no , so many stressful things have happened these last months and I haven’t had much support because of how all of my friends been acting, it’s just crazy like I see my boyfriends friends more then my own, I do have three very close friends though and i appreciate them sooo much because if I didn’t have them I would definitely be feeling much worse