Am I right or wrong ?

So me and my baby’s father are officially done. To the fact he picked me up drunk from work and was driving off the road kinda. Mind you I’m pregnant. And I was so scared, my mother instinct. I kept saying let me drive. He was talking bout it’s his brothers birthday and they going out and all this. His brother smokes weed & whenever my baby daddy gets a hold of alcohol he just don’t know when to stop. It drives me crazy. I’m like so who is driving ... he gone end up saying his brother girlfriend. I’m like nah. Mind you it’s my car... my name is on the title. He only help pay 600 dollars towards it .. even when I insisted that he shouldn’t and I had it . Anyways , I’m like I don’t know the girl. Nor do I know if she drinking or smoking. He could just be telling me that. He started screaming at me telling me I don’t have no faith in him. And I look at him like everybody else. The court system & just a whole bunch of bullshit. Saying I’m just supposed to be like “ be safe” give him a kiss & everything is good. Like no !!!! I’m worried. You just was driving retarded. He said he was distracted by my beauty & just talking drunk talk. Before he started screaming ... So it gets to the point I was eating my Mac burger and crying & literally squished it all in my hand ,pissed he could really be saying this type of shit to me. Out of all people. then I told him why does he wanna be with me if he feels that way or that I look at him that way. He was like bye then. Opened my door & all ... I got out & literally started kicking on the tires to the fact he thinks I’m bitching at him for no reason . I’m just worried like a girlfriend supposed to be. And now I see that’s how he really feels.

He would pick this night to do all of this. I have an appointment in the morning to look at some apartments & he wants to be out drunk. It’s a whole Tuesday night. They can’t wait til the weekend ? But anyways ... I messaged him and told him I was done. Like to this point. I’ll walk to my appointment tomorrow. And I don’t wanna see him anymore. I’m putting his stuff on the curb and I literally don’t wanna talk to him anymore. I just feel broken from what he said. They say the mind of someone drunks tells you how they really feel ...