Tried the Diva Cup... ☠😡😭


So ladies I really love the idea of a menstrual cup but I have some questions, I've only tried it like 3 times and each time the placement is a little different. like sometimes the stem is closer to my opening and easier to take out and sometimes it's way up there and it's a struggle to take out is that normal? or is always in the exact same spot for you? and is the stem supposed to be close to the opening I know they say a 1/4 inch in but it's more comfy and nice knowing it's almost poking out. and also I have long acrylic nails and it hard to get my fingers up there without feeling like imma puncture a whole through my vagina, and the nails make it so hard to grab the stem and the bottom of the cup to unsuction it. should I just keep trying? do you have nails? help?!? what's your experience?