No Epidural (Its a long one but slightly funny)


The pains started the night before after we were putting our finishing touches on the room for her, but I didn’t think anything of them because I had been having problems with my hips since I was 12 weeks along.

The next day we went to boyfriends moms and what she said contractions felt like wasn’t anything like I was feeling but I still told him I wanted to go home to finish her clothes.

By the time we got home I was only half way through putting our clothes away before I gave up and went into the living room to sit with my grandma. I stayed home through most of the pains because I didn’t want to go to the hospital for yet another false labor so I took a shower and ate before finally deciding it was time to go after boyfriend took a shower so we took our dog over to my moms and by that time every bump felt like I was going to lose my intestines.

When we got to the hospital and they realized how bad my pain seemed to be they hurried a nurse in and I was 8cm dilated!

They called my grandma to come to the hospital and put me in another room.

The lady came in to give me my epidural and by that time I had decided I didn’t want it but the nurses kept bothering me saying I would regret not getting it and I wouldn’t be able to do it without it.

Finally they left me alone and left the room and I could talk about how I felt like I had to poop in piece to the bed railing as a nurse was asking me questions before the midwife came in and checked me again and decided to break my water.

I asked how long it would take before I would actually have her and they said it would take awhile but within 2 minutes I looked at the midwife and with probably the most serious face I’ve ever pulled said. “I really feel like I have to poop now.” The nurses said it was normal but I just stared at the midwife and said “nope I need to push now.” She just shrugged and slapped her gear on before checking me again and saying that I was ready to push.

And by the time the cord was cut my first words after labor was “I have a Charlie horse in my foot will you rub it”

I was lucky enough to have such a good midwife that I not only got through it without any type of pain medication and without having any stitches and to have a beautiful, healthy baby girl at 6lbs14oz and 20 inches long.