i cant believe its my turn.


my little girl was induced(I had the option) 3 days before her due date. I had been at 2cm for like a month. I had tried everything, pineapple, squats, sex you name it. so 5am on 3-30-2018 I went into L&D;, got hooked up to the monitors and pitocin. I had my water broke at 8:30am contractions got pretty good after that. the hospital was short staffed one anesthesiologist and she had a c section to do at 10am. I was worried that labor would get way to bad whole she was gone so I caved and got the epidural. Then I took a nap. I got woken up to needing to moved and oxygen put on. my contractions were coming way to fast for baby. and So they stopped the meds and changed positions she responded well. my hubby woke up at this time. they checked me I was 8cm at about 45mins later I had him go get the nurse. I had intense pressure with every contraction. checked me again 10cm a couple practice pushes. Then she was here labored 6 hours 5 good pushes with the doctor. 7lbs 10oz 20 1/4 in long. my husband was amazing other than the quick nap and during the epidural he never left my side. our family of 3 became 4 and it's perfect. and I'm slack she is almost a month old. picture overload sorry not sorry