Baby Ashton


We didn’t get to hold you,

Or ever hear you cry.

We didn’t get to hear you laugh,

And I’m always asking why.

We didn’t get to see you smile,

Or grow up big and strong.

We didn’t get to see your eyes,

But I guess heavens where you belong.

We didn’t get to comfort you,

Or ever hold your hand.

We didn’t get to walk with you,

And I just don’t understand.

We never got to see you run and play just like you should,

But I know you’re being protected more than mommy ever could.

Your daddy misses you everyday and we try to understand,

Why you had to be taken away and put in heavens hand.

We’ll never forget you baby Ashton I hope you felt no pain,

Always remember we have you in our hearts till we’re together again.


Mommy and Daddy