Is this reaction normal?

I don’t usually smoke but my boyfriend is a huge stoner and I occasionally get high with him. He made a homemade water bong and I took a REALLY huge hit from it without realizing it.

5 minutes later i completely blacked out. I can’t even remember what happened, my boyfriend says I had a panic attack for an hour. There’s time missing that I just don’t even remember.

As I started to regain consciousness, I remember my legs twitching like crazy, my heart beating really fast and it felt like I was in a dream and I kept drifting in and out of awareness. This literally lasted for about 12 hours, when I woke up the next morning I was STILL a little high.

Is this a normal reaction? Was i just really stoned or was it an adverse reaction? I’m scared to get high again because it was a super scary, paranoid feeling for me😭