Feeling Pathetic

Me again, talking about my toxic flatmate 🙄

Anyway, he’s refusing to have an actually conversation about what’s wrong between us so this tension is just lingering and it’s affecting my body.

It was over Easter when I realised how horrible he actually is and I basically slept and didn’t eat for 2 weeks. When I got back to uni, he asked if I had anorexia (always the charmer)

And now that he’s being a child and not letting me express myself and get things off my chest it’s happening again. I’ve basically slept for 2 days straight, I can barely eat, my whole body was so tight with stress it was painful to move (thankfully my friend massaged me and that’s gone now). But I feel so pathetic that he is ruining everything for me and he doesn’t even care. I’ve had such a stress-free life, I’ve avoided drama at all costs, when something is wrong I say it - but I can’t with him because he refuses to listen. I’m such a proud person and I’m just so annoyed that he thinks he’s beaten me.

I just really want to cut him out of my life completely but he’s gonna be in my life for another year and I just feel stuck 😞

Sorry to keep going on about this, but I’ve just never had to deal with someone so toxic in my life before.