Horrible labor/birth and infections

Brianna • 27 years old 1 four year old son, 1 brand new daughter Engaged, hard working mommy

I was in labor for 18 hours and ended up having a c section which was terrifying. The c section I felt so much pressure and pain even when I was drugged up with pain meds and it seemed like forever! When really it was like 45 minutes. On top of that I ended up getting really sick with high fever and shaking... I guess I ended up having a uterus infection. Now I’m tryna recover but can’t seem to catch a break cause I went to urgent care today for a fever and burning when I urinate, not only that my boobs have been hurting so bad and engorged! Turns out I have mastitis which is a breast infection, and potentially a urinary tract infection too smh so they prescribed me an antibiotic to treat both which I have to take 4 pills a day for ten days! Now I’m worried if the antibiotics will affect my baby in my breast milk when I feed her, they said it wouldn’t but I am still iffy.