

Now some people might not like this but I have a question...

Do parents know when they have a baby that they probably aren’t going to sleep much if at all through that first year of life? I am on so many mommy groups on Facebook and I just see moms always saying their 3 month old or 4 month old won’t sleep and they don’t know what to do.... they are still little babies that need their mommas and are growing at such a rapid rate! Please remember to do research on what to do after the baby is here! I mean when I had my first I didn’t know everything and I still don’t but I knew I wasn’t going to sleep much because baby needs you..... idk just my opinion I hope I didn’t make anyone mad or hurt anyone’s feelings. This Is going to be baby #3 so I’m well aware of what kind of sleep I will get in the first year plus! Our 2 yr old wakes up sometimes and comes in our room!