FTM + Military = Stress

I am only 2 months but I feel like absolute shit. I know pregnancy affects everyone differently but this is really taking a toll on me. 
I went from always being active to always sleeping and trying to force myself to eat for the sake of the baby. I get myself so worked up because I just here all these stories about women breezing through their pregnancies with minimal issues & im slowly turning to a couch potato. Then on top of being in the military there is even more stress on me having to "bounce back" quicker than most after pregnancy. 
Trying to still keep up with my team and still carry my weight it's tough. When you just have little to no motivation to do anything. When you're used to never being sick & then start experiencing all these body changes. Just hoping that I can get through the day with no morning sickness. Still trying to feel like an asset and not a liability. 
I'm constantly questioning like maybe it's all in my head... You know, I'm ok. I got this. But I don't. This is the most painful thing I've ever had to deal with and no one understands. I barely understand myself. 
Signed, mommy in distress.