Not wanting to finish formula bottles

Vanessa • Newlywed with baby girl named April 💕

April has been drinking four 7 oz bottles a day, every 4 hours. But the last few days, she’s only been drinking about 4-5 oz of each bottle.

Sample schedule, with 2-3 cat naps:

bottle at wake up 8am

cereal for breakfast 10am

Bottle 12pm

snack, yogurt or fresh fruit 2pm

bottle 4pm

puréed food, fruit veggie with meat 530pm

bottle after bath at 8pm

We’re starting her on finger food tomorrow as she has been intercepting spoons and wanting to eat our food.

Does giving 3 bottles a day, 8 oz with 3 food meals sound likes good idea? FTM and guessing my way through what our family likes to call “April 101” 😂
