Emotionally drained & sad...still grieving

I loss my son Sean july 29, 2014. Three months later I was blessed with news of our new addition due soon. Although happy and excited about baby it was soon overshadowed with the worry of another miscarriage. Now having made it through to 35wks, I find myself going through another down in dumps feeling. Sean has been running through my mind constant, I want baby to be Ben w/o complications. I'm just overwhelmed with all these emotions and sadness. I just needed to let it out cause I feel like I don't have anyone to talk with. Everyone talks and treats sean as if he should be forgotten and move on, but for me he's my son and will never be forgotten. For me to talk about him and to include him is my way of coping. To do otherwise seems disrectful of his memory. Sorry just letting it out :-(