Arriving to the hospital at 10cm


On March 26th, 2018, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. A month ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, but every time I sat down, I had severe back pain. I thought “Something isn’t right, I need to go to the hospital.” I called my doctor and she told me that it didn’t sound like labor, to take medicine and go to sleep. The back pain became so severe and so constant that my poor husband couldn’t get me in the car. This was nothing like the ”water breaking, 2-3 minutes apart contractions” I was told to expect. After throwing up, jumping in and out of the car to the shower 4 times to calm the pain, then jumping out of a moving car because I could not sit, we finally called the ambulance. They arrived and my water then broke. After fighting with the men in the ambulance trying to explain that I can’t lay down, I need to stand and kept flicking the pulse monitor off of my finger, I finally got strapped in. The EMT took a quick look and said “no not dilated”... I kept feeling the urge to push and my husband was sent to follow behind. All I could hear during my constant back pain was how the EMT has never delivered a baby before and does not want to either. WTF! Well, we finally arrived at the hospital and I was 10/10cm dilated! No wonder... The doctor said that the EMT must of been looking for a head because I am ready to start pushing now... I told her no and kept begging for an epidural. Having to lay on my back with this constant back pain made it unbearable. After screaming for my epidural and remembering that the nurse on my tour had said “We’ve given the epidural fully dilated”... they finally gave it to me... fully dilated. After a room full of some family and friends literally cheering me on and some tearing, Hugo Gabriel was born 3 hours later at 10:20am, 8 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches long. The doctor said to me, “You’re famous here, coming to the hospital fully dilated, getting an epirdual, and delivering a baby that was OP and hands down which makes it more difficult.” Needless to say, women go through so much pain and would do it over and over again to bring their little angels into this world. Hugo is mommy and Daddy’s little angel. We love you so much. Happy One Month Papi.