College won't let me have independent status?

I am 20, and entering my junior year of college. I got accepted to a great school, but I'm having trouble with their financial aid office. I just wanted to know if anyone has had a similar experience or has any advice for me.

I don't receive outside financial assistance from anyone. I have one dependent, my daughter. On the FASFA it clearly says having a dependent whom you provide 50% or more support to makes you an independent student, regardless of age. Other things that make you independent are being married, a veteran, etc.

It doesn't say anywhere that you ALSO have to meet certain financial criteria. The lady in the financial aid office is saying I don't make enough money to adequately support myself and my daughter, so they won't allow me to file independent.

I thought it was cut and dry if you met one of those requirements other than being 24+. So if you're married, and don't make enough, they'll try to make you claim dependent status too?

I've tried calling government agencies and nobody can give me a straight answer. If this is the reason they're denying me independent status- there should be some kind of income guideline somewhere. She's saying my current monthly income isn't sufficient.

It is a big deal to me because filing dependent the most I can get in loans is $7,500. Independent, I can get $12,500 and also qualify for a federal pell grant of $5,900. Filing independent is the only way I'll be able to afford school. Since its junior year- there's no more community college pricing.

It doesn't make sense to me that me not having enough money would be a good reason to give me less money.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?