Don’t let anyone tell you what you’re capable of

Kirsten • 23 , photographer, dog mom, wifey ❤️

This may be long , but if you stick through to the end , thank you. Around 37 weeks I had my final ultrasound to determine his weight , he was about 6lbs 12oz at that point. Around time of delivery they expected him to be 8.5. We posted our pictures and all I got was “you can’t have that big of a baby, you aren’t that big? You’ll have to have a C-Section , you don’t have birthing hips (considering I was 130 pre pregnancy ). Brushed the comments off , I know my body. On April 18th I was 39 weeks and 3 days, I walked that day and bounced on my ball and didn’t feel any different really until we got home. While doing last minute pack and play prep , I started getting contractions, nothing crazy so I brushed them off and decided to time them when they got closer. Around 9pm they got more consistent, i labored through contractions all night considering I had a doctors appointment the next morning at 8am. Hubby left for work because I told him to just Incase it wasn’t real labor. I drove myself to the doctor while still having contractions, she checks me and I’m at a 4. She sends me to walk for an hour so I go ahead and get a light breakfast and pick my dad up so he can be there Incase I’m admitted (he works as a miner and they carpool so he didn’t have his truck and I didn’t want him to miss the birth). Came back in an hour and I was at a 5. My midwife sent me to the hospital and I immediately called my husband and he’s there within minutes. Once I got admitted and got my iv I was at a 6, they were amazed that I was still smiling and laughing through contractions. My midwife started pitocin, which worsened my contractions and stacked them back to back, I was crying , grunting , apologizing, and feeling like a wimp for not making it further without crying. I was given something through my iv for pain and after that it’s all a blur , I was slurring my words , couldn’t hold my eyes open , could still feel contractions, and my blood pressure started dropping. While that’s going on they start my epidural , my nurse wasn’t exactly being the sweetest but I’m sure I wasn’t being the best patient (I honestly seemed drunk) after the epidural they do that catheter and I’m 7 cm , fully effaced and baby is right there. Not even an hour later I was at a 10. We started with practice pushed but after 3 contractions I was crowning , I was cut three times (I wanted an episiotomy instead of tearing) and with one big push he was out, I started crying my eyes out when he was born , so did my husband , mother, and mother in-law. There he was Colt Walker Counts 💙 born on April 19th, 2018, 8lbs 7oz , at 5:16pm , 20 1/2 inches long

So to all of those people who said I couldn’t do it , I did! I had my 8 pound baby , don’t let anyone tell you what you’re capable of, you are full of great potential! My baby is already 1 week old, it’s heartbreaking how fast time flies. The experience was painful but I’d do it over and over for him💙