Questions for EMT, Paramedics and Firefighters


I am going to apologize now because I am pretty sure I might write a lot.

I am graduating high school in 5 days and trying to get into the EMT program. I just have some questions.

I am the type of girl that cannot sit in an office all day, I love being on the move and seeing new faces constantly and etc but I am worried. My biggest biggest biggest worry is holidays and I am going to say I already that I know I will need to work on holidays. But my SO said something that stuck in my head, he had said “ I just don’t want you coming home crying because you missed it” when I mean holidays I just mean Christmas, Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> and Thanksgiving. Those are my favorite holidays and family is everything to me. How do you guys get over the fact that you are missing something that is important to you? Also, when you have kids and you miss celebrating it with them? Like what do you think? (lol I am sorry if I don’t make sense) My next question is I know you work with partners but are they going to be the same ones all the time? How does it work when you are pregnant? Do you get time off or do you get pregnancy leave or does it depend on the company? Are you able to get time off and how do your hours work? Lol I think this is all the questions I am going to ask at the time since this is already long.