Look I really do need help!!!



I have a meluna shorty medium because i have a low cervix. The only problem is my flow is HEAVEY .

The cup is a classic firm and holds 18ml, now the info they gave me was that it holds 28ml. After ordering i realized that they were refering to meluna classic not the meluna shorty. Any way my period came and i tried it . It had leakage but i asume it was only the remaining blood before insertation. So I was like :

I was fine with that . First day went preety smooth. I decided to give it a night run .

I wake up at 00:27 to realize it has leaked, i go to the loo to empty it thinking it has probably overflown.

Being so tired i didnt check if it was full or not . I re-inserted it (and yes ladies it was DEFINETLY OPEN) i go back to sleep .


So i go to the bathroom take this little fucker out, relizeing its not even full !!!!!! You could imagine how fustrated i was . I put in a pad.

Now, im not sure if its the firmness thats the problem or maybe the size or perhaps that the cup is sliding up there to greet my cervix but i need a solution and fast. Before this i had the mooncup uk and it leaked too, i thought it was because my cervix resting in the cup .

I dont know anymore, pls help .