Baby keeps on getting sick..

Dominika• • 3rd of June 2015<3
My baby is 3 weeks old, I have been breast feeding her since birth. Most of the time after she finishes being fed she gets sick a little, but sometimes a LOT. Sometimes it looks like she got all the milk up and some days she gets sick after every feed. Is this normal? She is gaining weight though, last week she weight 4.170 kg and now she weights 4.320kg so I'm told not to worry about it but I still worry.. I feel like it's my fault that she's getting sick and I want to give up on breastfeeding.. 
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Sounds normal. Tiny stomachs, they just take a while to adjust to food. remember she's never had any before, it's slowly stretching her stomach. It's funny cuz when we're pregnant we have to eat smaller or get heartburn or reflux. At least breastmilk doesn't seem to bother them much coming back up. Keep up the breast feeding, especially since she's gaining. It's so worth it. &nbsp;


Dominika• • Jun 26, 2015
Ok thank you :)


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My LC said its their way of testing themselves to regulate how much they eat. It will get better. Also it may look like they are spitting up a lot but in retrospect it's prob not that much at all. Try burping more during the feeding and keeping the baby upright


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My baby is this exact same and it's completely normal. As long as they are gaining weight, it is fine. I was really worried at first because I felt he wasn't getting enough and I didn't like seeing him go through that but some babies just spit up a lot. I find keeping him still for a little bit after feeding helps a bit. It's more of a laundry issue than anything. Stick with breast feeding, you're doing great :)&nbsp;


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Try keeping baby upright for a bit after a feed. If I lay my baby down flat after a feed, he often spits up.


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Have you tried winding her after a feed? If I wind my baby she is only ever sick a little bit but if I don't wind her it often looks as you described-like the whole feed has come up! I didn't think breastfeeding babies needed winding but mine certainly does!!


Dominika• • Jun 26, 2015
Yes, I wind her every time after a feed. Sometimes she gets a little sick with a burp, sometimes she just burps, and sometimes she doesn't burp at all and vomits up a lot


Posted at
Giving up breastfeeding will probably not help with the spitting up, you will just have to deal with cleaning formula spit up in stead. Some kids just spit up a lot. Burp after every feed, and you can also discuss it with your doctor to rule out reflux and other reasons.&nbsp;