Custodial parents and 3rd shift


had just gotten a 3rd shift job. My ex has my kids every other weekend and on Wednesday’s. Decree states he owes 75% of child care work related expenses. My question is, I have to put them in daycare so I can sleep because he works first shift. He says he doesn’t need to pay any childcare costs if I’m using the daycare to sleep. If I don’t sleep during the day then I can’t work. Is he still obligated to pay? He says he’ll watch them instead ( from 5 at night till 8, a total of 3 hours) so I can sleep then. My kids don’t go to bed until about 9-9.30 so I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. 3-4 hours isn’t enough time. My boyfriend is here at night to keep an eye on the kids. Somebody please help. If I can’t put them in daycare then I can’t take this job.