Irrationally Angry tonight..

so my husband has worked the past 2 weeks 16 hours a day (by choice mind you because hes a control freak on this project hes on). Well yesterday/today he worked 36 hours (8am Thursday to 8pm friday).. he came home ate dinner and went to bed.. (I get it hes tired..) what I'm really frustrated about is that he is working this hard voluntarily.. he gets paid over time and everything on top of his salary but hes choosing to work these hours even though hes in school for his masters and we have a toddler. Hes also expecting me to lose weight or he wants me to get bariatric surgery... Yet I'm the sole parent our child has while he works these hours.. I dont have any family that can take our son so I can work out... I meal plan everything yet hes still pushing surgery.. if he came home at a decent time I could go to the gym..

We also co-sleep with our toddler because he wanted to use my nursery for him as an office (fucking rediculous because we only have 2 bedrooms) well I was getting ready to go to bed with our toddler and the is sleeping in the middle of the bed... as if my toddler and I dont exist.. so now we are sleeping on the God damn sofa because he won't move his ass...

I'm so fed up with this bullshit.. hes taking the weekend off.. but I doubt it'll to spend time with us as he has a shot ton of school to catch up on.. just wish my needs mattered and he fucking helped me with our kid.. there is no fucking need to work as much as he does even with a project.. no one else works these hours.. and I could use a break.. I haven't peed or showered by myself in 2 weeks..

just needed to rant.. sucks when you feel like you dont matter..