Scared to sleep next to him

I was in a relationship for a few years, it was emotionally abusive however he never hit me.

One thing he never knew is that I am completely aware that he used to sexually assault me whilst I was asleep. I would feel his hands and other things touch me and went into a complete shock and be unable to move when it happened, he was completely unaware.

I have since ended that relationship, I have still never told him or anyone what has happened.

I am now in a new relationship with someone who is amazing and so supportive of me and is completely aware of the emotional abuse I suffered, but doesn’t know about the sexual abuse.

I stayed at his house recently and did not sleep the whole night out of fear, I know this boy would never lay a finger on me whilst I sleep but my subconscious scares me so much and whenever I closed my eyes I would get flashbacks from what happened to me in the past.

I’m so emotionally messed up and I don’t know what to do. This is the first time I have ever shared what happened to me and I’m scared to even type it.

Should I tell my new partner about this? I don’t want to load a burden like this onto him, and part of me doesn’t accept the facts that it really happened to me.

I’m sorry about the long post, I just feel at such a loss at the moment and I’m just confused and scared about what to do next with myself and how to move on properly.