Are Bill and Melinda Gates being unfair?


Background: Bill Gates and his wife started a full ride scholarship for HS students 20 years ago. However, they have guidelines in order to apply for the scholarship. For example you must come from a low income family, identify as minority (latino/hispanic, asian, african american, or native american), have a GPA higher than 3.5 i believe, and do community service hours.

As a recipient of this scholarship, I often heard remarks like "there are poor white people too" "lucky you are not white" ect. Do you think that they are being unfair with this scholarship because they are excluding certain races?

I have had this scholarship for 8 years now and i have been able to accomplish so much. I am currently getting my PhD and will be debt free once I graduate. I am very fortunate to have this opportunity and dont let comments like the ones above affect me. however part of me wonders what would have happened if I was not of minority and how unfair it would feel for me.

CBS is having a special tonight and was wondering what you all thought of this?