I want the dog gone and SO doesn't care

Sam • Married 💍 twins 👧🏻👦🏼 love to travel!
So my husband and I have been talking about a situation and he said to put it on a poll to see what others think. So a few months ago my husbands mom lost her house she was in, and the family split up temporarily. We agreed to watch her chihuahuas. We have two females with us and they are easy to handle. The moms husband brought over his male chihuahua (I really don't like this dog and don't want to take care of him) and she agreed to let him stay here WITHOUT ASKING US FIRST! This dog barks constantly and we live in a quiet neighborhood. The dogs stay in a kennel most of the day because they try to run away. With the 2 girls it wasn't a problem but if I let them out with the male he runs away and I don't have the time to run after him. My sister lives with us and works graveyard shift and the male dog keeps her up all day when she gets home from work. So, my mother in laws husband is able to take care of the dog so I feel like it's not my responsibility. Oh and the husband asked to stay here and we said no because he creeps the heck out of my sister and I. Also we rent and already have 2 other dogs of our own and I'm afraid the landlord will get upset. Is it wrong of me to have my husband tell his mom to have her husband take his dog back? 

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