Seriously Irritated with SO

Am I the only one overly irritaed with SO!? Pretty much everytime I ask him to do something I get, "I dont feel likr it right now!" and I blew up on him!!! Like, are you fucking serious?! You don't feel like it?! I don't feel like being fucking sick every morning, not be able to eat and when i so I can't keep anything down, I don't feel like being in pain because my fucking uterus is constantly stretching, I don't feel like sitting on the damn toilet for 2 fucking hours just wait for a terd smaller than a damn dime to come out my ass......and you don't fucking "FEEEEELLLL LIKE IT". I don't feel like worrying everyday that each cramp could be something bad (3 previous miscarriages) which makes me high risk. I cook & clean throughout all this. Take care of our daughter and still manage to please your MANLY needs when my body really feels like im about to show you what I had for lunch. You have tge freakin audacity to tell me that you dont feel like popping me some popcorn when its the only thing I've asked you to do all day. You don't feel like going to the store so that I can cook us dinner. (IM FUCKING SICK OF THIS SHIT) Sincerely raging pregnancy hormones ans one pissed off wife. 😵😑👊

He said I'm wrong. take a damn hike Seriously!!! && I'm sorry for the mispelled words. I'm pissed.