Finally! Liliana Belle born 4/20/18

Lindsey • Mom of 1 little girl 👧🏼 and 1 angel 👼🏼

Finally getting around to sharing my story!

My original due date was April 13th. However, after 3 membrane strips and no progression, my due date came and went. Went to the doctor for a non stress test and decided to induce at exactly 41 weeks. Our time was set for 3am and we were to call the hospital and hour beforehand to make sure they had room for us. So we did, and the hospital was backed up on inductions and they said they would call me when they were ready.

And of course at 4am I went into labor on my own. So we go to the hospital where they confirm my water broke and admit me and start me on pitocin to get the labor moving along.

I labor for about 17 hours total. I got the epidural after 5 hours of trying to go unmedicated. Aaaaand it only worked on my right side lmao. Finally at about 6pm it’s time to push. So I push for 3.5 hours with really no progression. Turns out baby girl was sunny side up and stuck behind my pelvic bone. My midwife grabs the doctor and they decide after exhausting all options that I needed a csection. I was terrified and bawling. My midwife hugged me and reassured me that everything would be fine.

After a pep talk from the nurses and both my mom and MIL, I went back to the OR. My sweet Liliana Belle was born at 9:59pm weighing 7lbs 14oz and 21.25in long!

I wasn’t planning on having a csection, and I was initially angry at my body for not being able to have the birthing experience I dreamed of. But my baby girl is here, she’s healthy, and she’s mine and my husbands biggest blessing. This entire experience made me stronger and made me realize what I’m truly capable of. I’d do it all over again for my sweet girl.