Multi c-section mamas-please help

I had an emergency csection with my first born 2 weeks ago and had a uterine rupture due to long labor. I was told I'll never be able to safely give birth vaginally because of this. I am very upset about it but have learned to accept it. 
We want more children and I plan on being fully prepared this second time around. What I'm wondering is will the second csection hurt worse? Or less? Is it more or less traumatic? Is the recovery time worse the second time? Incision pain? I just imagine my stuff being messed with a second time can't feel better but I really have no idea... 
I plan on doing a lot of research and preparation so any tips would be much appreciated! Also, please don't worry about scaring me if you feel like it is more painful the second time etc. I can take it :) 
Thanks in advance!