ok what does this mean??

my sister has had this dream two nights in a row now. it starts off with her and i in florida, supposedly visiting our dad. she and i are exploring an abandoned building, which we like to do in real life. she says the building looks like it probably used to be a supermarket. we come across a shelf of jars filled with weird stuff, and can't figure out what's inside. we get a bad feeling and decide to leave. we leave, and are walking back to our dad's house when we come across a small house. a young woman lives inside and on the front lawn is a bunch of random things like vintage toy cars. the lady in the house lets people go through and pick whatever they want, so we decide to have a look. i select a bath bomb and my sister selects an old penny. we get back to our dad's house, and our mom is there to pick us up. we get in the car and our mom takes us to a house that my sister doesnt recognize. our mom then takes a piece of cardboard and writes all over it in a different language. she leaves the cardboard and we get back in the car. our step brother is now in the car as well. we come across a mall and stop inside, to find it is empty. we enter a shop that looks like a cafe, but sells beauty products like soap and makeup. the walls are a pale green and there are two workers behind the counter, who my sister describes as looking "kind of dead inside". one worker was a girl with dark hair in a ponytail and the other was a boy with short blue hair. my sister says that i then went to the bathroom, and after a long time, i come back and we go back to the car. we stop at another store. our mom says she needs something and goes inside, while my sister, brother, and i wait in the car. our mom comes back and we drive off again. we have no idea what she purchased or what the store sold. then my sister wakes up. does all of this mean something, or does my sister just keep having a really weird dream?