So it was a regular day me and my boyfriend decided to get some errands done

Christie • First time Mommy and Papa and are super excited to be parents to our first little princess Aryia Amelí Morel! 👶🏻🎀❤️
So it was a regular day me and my boyfriend decided to get some errands done. We went to his dentist appointment and the. To ikea after to get a stand for the baby and we got there around 2:00 suddenly before we left at around 3:30 I felt a pain and assumed it was just Braxton Hicks then 20 min later I get the same pain but figure it’s a false alarm. SUDDENLY the pin is more frequent! This is when I realize I’m having contractions which started happening ever 7-8 min apart!! Me and my boyfriend love in new jersey and my hospital is in queens and of course this happens during rush hour traffic 🙄 (just my luck) but thankfully my contractions started to be 5 minutes apart when I was just 20 minutes from the hospital I was able to bare with the pin somehow lol. Once we got to the hospital I got checked by the nurses and found out I was 3.5 cm and 50%efface and that MY WATER BROKE! I didn’t even realize it but it was partially broken so later when I i was more dialated my midwife broke my water completely and that’s when things started moving REAL QUICKLY. Yes I had an epidural the contractions where unbearable a pain impossible to describe but that epidural made it go right away BUT what I didn’t know is once ur ready to push you have this EXTREMLY uncomfortable pressure that is so intense and you feel epidural or not. On April 28th 1:57am I began to finally push which is the most revealing feeling ever!!! And at 2:17 AM my baby girl Ariya Amelíe Morel was born! Weighing 7lb and 4 ounces 20inches long 
I am an excited and blessed first time mommy and I couldn’t be happier to begin a whole new chapter and journey in my life ❤️👶🏻🎀