Weird cramping before period

Last month 2 days before my period was suppose to start I got abnormal cramping. I was nauseous and had diarrhea for the 2 days and slight cramping during my period. I went to the ER cause the pain was so bad but the ER doc sent me home, told me it was “normal” cramping and to take ibuprofen. I tried to get into a gynecologist but they were booked up till the end of April so I made an appointment with my doc back home. Yesterday I got the same cramping again but worse, I was throwing up all day and had the runs. The cramping lasted all day today as well and I was suppose to start my period yesterday but I havent started yet. Does anyone know what might be going on? I’ve looked things up on the internet but started to freak myself out lol. I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced something similar.