early period or what? curious..

Before you read:

-I had unprotected sex yesterday for 2 mins, he did not ejaculate in me

-I am irregular with cycles

-I have extremely bad cramps during periods. paracetamol and period-pain stopping pills don't help for me

-I do 12 hours of exercise a week, haven't gotten much sleep snd been very moody last few days (thought this could have an effect)

so my cycle started 17 days ago, and my cycle usually goes for 30 days average (I'm also irregular, somewhat between 26-36 days).today was supposed to be my last fertile day according to 'Glow' which made sense, but I started getting really bad cramps on my lower back and abdominal. I went the toilet and saw that I've been bleeding, not too much but not too little. When I first checked it was splotch of dark brown discharge, but then I checked a few more times, it's a normal red but a very tiny amount. so what could this be? have I started my period irregularly early? am I bleeding during ovulation? why do I have cramps? could it be left over blood from last period? I doubt implantation bleeding as it's only been a day since I last had sex. it only just occurred today and I'll check again in a few hours and tomorrow if it still has continued.