Mourning sickness taking a toll on relationship

Ashley • 👧🏽🧑🏽

Our marriage has always been full of ups and downs. Lately, with me being exhausted and nauseous all the time it has only gotten worse. I have slacked on my typical house roles. (I will own it and say to an extreme). We had a miscarriage in January and continued doing everything to the point of passing out from exhaustion every night. So even tho I know there is little correlation between work/home/physical activity, I took major steps back just to be cautions. My dearest hubby complains “supportively” about the lack of laundry or groceries. As I am still responsible for cleaning our house, cleaning up after our dogs, mowing, and caring for our 3 year old (really, mamas, you know the last goes on but these are at least tasks he could help with) I do not see it has my job to make his lunch. Yesterday, I baked enough chicken that he could take some for lunch. He stated he was pointless without a side and left it home. This morning the hostile attitude continued with an issue with our dogs. The conversation more or less ended with him asking if I wasn’t going to help him until November (my due date). Of course this all from my view point and I acknowledge my faults but man arguing with him is the last thing I need on my plate.