Cerclage - Incompetent Cervix

Emma • 🌈👶🏻💙

Hi everyone.

Just wanted to share my experience with the cerclage procedure I had yesterday. There hasn’t been much posted recently about it.

Last year I lost my twin boys at 19w5d to incompetent cervix. I’m currently 14w1d with my rainbow baby. I chose to have it done as a preventative procedure.

The procedure is simple and I worked myself up over nothing. The spinal block is a little weird but you only feel the freezing. I felt a small popping in my spine and then I was numb. Didn’t feel the anesthesiologist insert the spinal block. Took effect within a few minutes. The cerclage procedure took about 10 minutes and I didn’t feel anything except a little tickle on my butt cheek lol. They did an ultrasound afterwards and all was good.

Recovery was easy. They just wait for the spinal to wear off which takes about an hour to an hour and a half. As soon as you can walk and go pee they let you go home. Slight cramping afterwards but no bleeding. My back is sore but more of an annoyance than painful.

Hopefully this helps anyone who has to go through this procedure :)